We want to support your island-related project.
photo by Denise Wheeler
Since 2008, ISHRA grants have funded projects that help expand knowledge about the Isles of Shoals and enhance the quality of visits there.
Grants have covered the costs of repairing the beloved rockers on the Oceanic Hotel porch, the first kayaks to join the fleet of traditional rowboats on Star, and the acquisition and framing of historical photographs of the Isles, now on display on Star, Smuttynose and Appledore islands.
ISHRA grants have also paid for supplies used in the preservation of White Island Lighthouse, carbon-dating analysis of giant cod bones excavated on Smuttynose, and Pontine Theatre performances of on original show about the Isles for schools and libraries.
ISHRA is eager to support projects, large or small, that align with its mission. Grant recipients are asked to report back to ISHRA about how the funding made a difference.