Become an ISHRA Member Today
Thank you for checking into joining ISHRA. Our member benefits include:
A subscription to our newsletter, published twice a year.
Fellowship with people who share your interest and enthusiasm for the historical and cultural aspects of the Isles.
An invitation to work on Isles of Shoals’ projects, as well as contribute articles to our newsletter, content for the website and list of archived Shoals materials.
First dibs on signing up for our bi-annual conferences on Star Island.
An opportunity to become an ISHRA history docent and lead public tours on Star Island.
Learn more about the people, culture, art, and philosophies associated with the Isles of Shoals.

Annual Fee
Send checks to
P.O. Box 705
Portsmouth, NH 03802
Individual $25
Family $50
Lifetime $300
photos by Denise Wheeler